Judith Roggeveen

Quality management team assistant
“What I strive for is consistency and connection to achieve improved results of our work processes and collaboration!”

What gives you satisfaction in your work?

Working with my colleagues. I like to look for a better way of working so we can work in a more efficient and pleasant way. Developing and implementing improvement is super to do with my colleagues.

What do you think is the most important characteristic of a collaboration that runs smoothly?

Alignment with each other is an important feature for me to make a collaboration run smoothly, to involve all involved in a process or execution of a task. Discuss together what the best route is. Inform each other as needed. Together, you arrive at an improvement much faster, and one that is supported, too!
It is important to consider who will benefit from new information. And in what way. Sometimes an e-mail will suffice, other times contact over the phone or “live” will yield much more effective results. And is also much more fun!