Real Estate Advice

NEN2580 measurements

The Rentable Floor Area (LFA) should not be the subject of any discussion when leasing, buying or selling property. We determine this objectively for you according to the NEN2580 standard. You will receive measurement records and the corresponding measurement certificate.

Moreover, VVO is often the basis for maintenance agreements and contracts. Even then, correct, objective measurement is important. Many real estate agents, developers, investors, managers and tenants know how to find us for this purpose.

Furthermore, when developing a new project, it is advisable to have the VVO measured and assessed at an early design stage. There may be opportunities within the plan, within the contours of the building and within the planned investment to increase the LFA and thus increase the return. We are happy to advise you on that.

Curious what Stevens Van Dijck can do for you?

"Our experts have been recording endless square meters of Lettable Floor Area for over 30 years. Objectively and in accordance with the NEN2580 standard for brokers, investors, project developers, tenants, managers and tomorrow also for you."