Before tendering begins, we must first choose an appropriate form of contract.
Anyone who is going to tender as a client will have to deal with a multitude of rules and European and non-European procedures. There are tenders for services (such as consultancy contracts) and works (contracts to contractors) and you can cast them in all kinds of forms, for example a public or restricted tender, award on the basis of the lowest price or on what is most economically advantageous. Our consultants will guide you through it so that you choose the procurement and associated contract form that best suits your situation.
There are tenders in which a strict separation is maintained between consultants responsible for design and contractors responsible for implementation. Other forms are also conceivable, such as DBFMO (Design, Build, Maintain, Finance, Operate). Or the public-private partnership (PPP), which in practice means that tasks and risks are distributed differently and lie more with market parties.
After analyzing your project, our consultants will find the optimal form of tendering and contracting for you. In which, for example, distribution of risk, financial opportunities and influence on design are most beneficial to your situation.
After careful consideration of all pros and cons, you can come to a thoughtful decision that forms the basis for a better building. Wondering what Stevens Van Dijck can do for you?
Construction management services
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