Tjessy Lensvelt
What gives you satisfaction in your work?
Working with pleasure and satisfaction is what I do when I can contribute with my own unique qualities to something where my heart lies from my own motives and in accordance with my own core values. In this way, I experience that I have been significant, and for me that contributes to a successful work day.
What makes a working day a successful working day for you?
However, a successful working day for me, is not just about me. When collaboration is like that in your work, a successful day at work is a day when not only I go home with a smile, but also all the parties you worked with. Feeling, getting, taking or carrying responsibility together creates the best results in my experience both project and process wise, that’s what it’s all about. And when the people, for whom the buildings are ultimately intended, live or work in them with a smile on their faces, then my workday is truly successful.