Circular construction

Workshop Circular Construction: ambitions become concrete
Circular construction, everyone is talking about it, and rightly so. But where exactly do you start as a principal? What is the best way to make good use of the opportunities and build support for them in your own organization? Clarity on this will be offered by Stevens Van Dijck in the Circular Building workshop. We share the knowledge and experience our consultants have accumulated in the many circular projects we have been involved in.

Construction and Operation
The workshop is customized: we specifically address each client’s situation, needs and questions. After all, circular construction comes in many shapes and sizes. To begin with, we examine what your ambition is. For example, does it involve construction with second-hand materials? Or to a building whose materials can be reused at the end of its first life cycle? What does it mean to build circularly? What are the operating requirements? What is the depreciation policy and what impact do choices for circular building have on it? Where is the focus: on construction or primarily on operations? In what ways are imaging and PR important in the realization cq. the operation of this building? The many concerns associated with circular construction will be covered in the workshop.

Relevant in any phase of construction
Ideally, the workshop should be scheduled in the definition phase of the project. The earlier in a construction project the client’s needs and requirements are clear, the better. However, the workshop can also be used in the design phase to identify what adjustments are needed to achieve circular ambitions. Even in the maintenance and management phase, it is interesting to explore in the workshop what is possible in terms of circularity and what it brings. At Stevens Van Dijck, we look beyond completion, and also consider how in operation a circular approach can be interesting. Using a cost model, we compare different scenarios. We convert even qualitative elements into numbers to provide a foundation for sound decision-making. In addition to CO2 reduction, a circular approach can also provide financial benefits – we calculate that for you.

Who will participate in the workshop?
The workshop is for all those involved in an organization’s construction project: CEO and CFO, project managers, those responsible for management and maintenance, drafter of the PoA and user supervisor. By mutual agreement, we put together the group of participants for each workshop. It is of course possible to organize multiple sessions to create the desired broad base of support and give attention to various concerns with the right people. It is also conceivable that we first have a workshop with executive stakeholders and then test management’s ideas and ambitions. Each workshop is customized and lasts plusminus two hours.

Getting Started
Are you interested in a workshop to further shape, sharpen and substantiate your circular ambitions?
Call: +31 88 00 243 00 or send an email.

The workshop "Circular Construction" is for all those involved in a construction project: such as CEO and CFO, project managers, those responsible for management and maintenance, draftsman of the PoA and user supervisor.